Thursday 27 August 2009


Hi all,

sorry for the delayed blog responses (nich) :)

Ok, well today we are in Florida and unfortunately it is our last day here. By far it has been my most favourite place. Maybe due to the fact that i was able to stroke and feed a dolphin at sea world and feed sea lions...which was incredible. Very cute little things. Whilst we have been here we have gone to Universal studios, which after all the hype of it growing up turned out to be a bit of a let down, however the simpsons and the mummy ride was fab!

Then we went to a water park, called wet and wild. It is directlty across the street from us and it is amazing! I did come off one ride almost crying and shaking though....not so much fun. But the rest was pretty cool.

Then of course we headed to sea world to see the dolphins, sealions, shamu etc etc. Money well spent...the best day of the entire trip. I was in heaven, i even touched a dead fish...not me at all but it was to feed a baby sealion so it was worth the fishy smell.

But i must tell you of the horrific bus trip down here from Washington DC. What was supposed to be a 19 hour trip turned out to be 24 hours. We got left for hours at multiple stations, one in Virginia where there were prositutes and tramps chasing us. Not pleasant and by the time it was over we wanted to come home. But Orlando made it much better. We have been able to chill by the pool, get drenched at night, as it does pour down here at 5pm every day.....i did not know this was normal but apparently so.

Anyway, we are off to New Orleans next and we are flying! Yipppeee! No more greyhound for a while. Ill check in with you from there., The internet and prices here are pathetic, so slow and so pricey, its like they are trying to rob us!

Love and miss you all.


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